Pasubio more than

Brand positioningBrand strategyVideo Production
Cosa significa essere leader? Cosa significa essere audaci? Cosa significa passare da essere un marchio ad essere un brand? Noi lo sappiamo e con PASUBIO abbiamo avuto la prova che si può cambiare, rimanendo quello che si è, onorando i propri valori e radici mentre si guarda e si abbraccia il futuro. Dopo oltre 60 anni di leadership silenziosa, abbiamo deciso che fosse il momento di dare loro voce. Da questa idea nasce PASUBIO MORE THAN, che non è solo un concept, ma un vero e proprio nuovo positioning che eleva l'azienda a mentor brand nel mondo del lusso e ci ricorda che dobbiamo sempre essere più di quello che eravamo ieri.

What does it mean to be a leader? What does it mean to be bold? What does it mean to transition from being a label to being a brand? We know the answer, and with PASUBIO, we’ve proven that one can change while remaining true to themselves, honoring their values and roots while looking toward and embracing the future. After over 60 years of quiet leadership, we decided it was time to give those values a voice.

From this idea, PASUBIO MORE THAN was born, not just as a concept but as a true new positioning that elevates the company to a mentor brand in the luxury world, reminding us that we must always be more than what we were yesterday.

A new face for excellence

Evolution has been the guiding word of our work. We identified the core values of PASUBIO and elevated them to a memorable level. But what does it really take to create change? A distinctive look and feel, precise guidelines, and an authoritative, aspirational tone of voice suitable for automotive giants like Lamborghini, Bentley, and Porsche, as well as the consumer audience.

We created a manifesto video that embodies PASUBIO’s philosophy of perfection, innovation, and craftsmanship, accompanied by a new website designed to meet the needs of all its stakeholders.

A responsible and sustainable future today

For us, the future is today, and sustainability must be at its core. From this belief, the ESG Report was created, showcasing PASUBIO’s commitment to a responsible future. This document transparently tells how productivity aligns with a strong social and environmental impact. This is how excellence is achieved.